On Wed, 2009-06-24 at 04:59 -0500, lists-fed...@afolkey2.net wrote:
> But, I have not been able to find where to tell the Evolution's
> Bogofilter plugin to put my spam messages and my unsure messages.  One
> thing I DO know is that I have manually marked over 500 messages so far
> as "Junk".  But, every time new spam comes in, I have to mark it
> manually.  Of course, it is then moved to the "Junk" folder, which is
> fine.  But, isn't is supposed to be moving it automatically, without me
> having to mark it as Junk all the time?

A couple of points here. Firstly, Evo *marks* junk mail but doesn't move
it. You see it in the virtual folder called Junk, but it's still in the
same folder it arrived in, just hidden. Note that you need to check for
new mail in any folders where mail may arrive (e.g. via an external
procmail script).

Also, training Bogofilter should initially be done with a collected set
of spam/ham messages outside of Evo.

> The only documentation that I have FOUND so far is this:
> http://www.ghacks.net/2009/06/20/use-bogofilter-for-better-junk-detection-in-evolution/

Many people don't realize that Evo has a FAQ accesible directly from the
Help menu. In this case, see



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