Craig White wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-08-07 at 16:07 +0100, Richard Hughes wrote:
>> I get to read your emails, and wonder why the hell I'm sitting here
>> trying to make a difference.
> ----
> because most of us are not ungrateful and insulting. Please do not
> consider a handful of vociferous jerks as representative of the
> community.
> Craig
Add me to the list of people that appreciate your work. While I do
not need to use it to update my system, I like the convenience of
it. I especially like the option of just installing security
updates, or installing all updates.

We should thank the developers for their hard work, but most of us
never think to do it. (Me included.) But most of us are polite when
making suggestions on how things could be changed to make them work
better for us. We also understand that out suggestions may not be
what is best for most users, and hope people will speak up if they
are not. How are the developers supposed to know how their could be
improved if we don't give them POLITE feedback?

I believe that when writing to a developer, you should thank them
for their work, and let them know that the change you are asking for
would make the program work better for you.


  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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