On 07/08/09 20:56, gil...@altern.org wrote:
> Antonio wrote:
>> Totem has come a long ways and you get it whether you like it or not
> because it meets Fedora's requirements + it does not have the ability to
> play proprietary file formats by default, one has to add them through
> other repositories like rpmfusion.
> To my surprise, it seems those codecs exist:
> # gst-ffmpeg
> FFmpeg-based plug-in, contains all the basic decoders for popular codecs,
> such as DivX and WMV
> # Pitfdll
> Plug-ins using the Windows codec DLLs for which no free software
> implementation exists yet.
> http://projects.gnome.org/totem/
> but I can't get them at rpmfusion,

If you have totem-gstreamer installed, gstreamer installed.
then totem will work with gstreamer as the backend.
And you then use gstreamer*good from Fedora, (bad, ugly from rpmfusion)

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