On 09/08/09 00:23, gil...@altern.org wrote:
> Frank Murphy wrote:
>> On 08/08/09 20:31, gil...@altern.org wrote:
>>> Let's hope Totem can fix this, 'cause I'm not very much into finding
> URLs.
>> Then file a bugzilla, against totem (gstreamer?), giving the url that
> cause the problem, showing that you can play it in mplayer
> I use mplayer, why should I fill a bug for Totem?

Then what is the problem?
The whole point of your discussion was to say.
Totem cannot play radio canada?

If you are with with mplayer that is fine.
I am fine with totem.

So I think we have brought this talk of codecs as far as it can go.

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