On Thu, 2009-08-06 at 15:28 +0200, Timothy Murphy wrote:
> Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> >> Never used IMAP, but believe KMail does it as well as POP mail, at
> >> least for sane interpretations of the words "sane way". :-)
> > 
> > POP and IMAP are two very different animals. AFAIK Kmail was designed as
> > a POP client and had IMAP added later. Every so often I take another
> > look at Kmail's IMAP support and get the impression it's still not quite
> > there, e.g. when reconnecting to a large folder it seemed to spend an
> > inordinate amount of time doing something (indexing? synching? cacheing?
> > no idea) before I could see any messages. Note that I don't mean the
> > first visit to the folder, which would be understandable, but every
> > visit.
> I use kmail with dovecot/IMAP and it works very well for me.
> I don't notice the problem you mention.
> How large are your folders?
> I see I have 4142 messages in my home inbox.
> (I archive it each year.)
> I'm currently keeping my email in Ireland,
> and accessing it on holiday in Italy,
> and that works perfectly.
> I had something like 100 new messages today,
> and the folder came up almost at once.

Apropos IMAP issues in Kmail, I just happened to notice this:


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