Tim wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-08-07 at 18:32 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
>> Apropos IMAP issues in Kmail, I just happened to notice this:
>> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=202917.
> That sounds familiar.  I haven't tried Kmail for ages, but I definitely
> recall one or two IMAP clients stupidly wasting ages checking each
> folder, when I could have left them alone until I actually went over to
> that folder.
As long as it is configurable it isn't "stupid".  TBird, for example,
allows you to configure which folders to check for "new mail" and how
often.  This is great for me since I use server based filtering. 
Therefore I get notified when new mail arrives in various folders set up
to receive mailing list messages.  I only use about 20 folders in that
way...so maybe I'm also being "reasonable".
> The Opera mail client was useless for that sort of thing.  It would bog
> down for twenty minutes or more, just opening the program.
That's pretty bad then......wonder how may folders and total number of
emails are needed to achieve that level of "performance".  :-)

Convention is the ruler of all. -- Pindar mei-mei.gres...@greshko.com

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