On 24/08/09 10:56, Marko Vojinovic wrote:
> On Monday 24 August 2009 08:36:47 Erik P. Olsen wrote:
>> On 23/08/09 16:19, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
>>> Erik P. Olsen wrote:
>>>> On 23/08/09 00:59, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
>>>>> There are both system wide and user preference settings. For user
>>>>> preferences, I like to use pavucontrol (Applications --> Sound &
>>>>> Video --> PulseAudio Volume Control). Pick the Playback tab. You
>>>>> click on the down arrow for the device you want to change the output
>>>>> for, pick Move Stream, and change the output channel.
>>>> The Playback window only has one down arrow at "Show" and it has three
>>>> choices: "All Streams", "Applications", and "Virtual Streams". I don't
>>>> see any "Move Stream" and nothing about output channel.
>>>> Unfortunately pavucontrol is not self-explanatory and apparently there
>>>> is no help available, so I don't see how I should use it. Perhaps
>>>> PulseAudio is somewhat premature in its present state of development?
>>> It sounds as if you do not have the application playing that you
>>> want to direct to another output. When it is playing, you should
>>> have 3 icons on the right side for your application, with the down
>>> arrow icon being the one farthest to the right.
>> Yes, I have apparently misunderstood the way it works. But isn't it alsa
>> that directs the output to PulseAudio? When I launch alsamixer that's what
>> it says.
> I believe it's the other way around. Application talks to pulseaudio which 
> talks to alsa which talks to hardware, when doing playback. When recording, 
> the data flows in the opposite direction.

I am getting more confused now. How do I then tell PulseAudio to talk to alsa?


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