On 25/08/09 02:54, stan wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Aug 2009 00:58:32 +0200
> "Erik P. Olsen" <epod...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I appreciate all the help you've given me but I haven't seen the
>> light yet.
> I gave you some bad information in my original post.  I thought it was
> the manager that allowed me to turn devices off in pulseaudio.  It was
> the PulseAudio Volume Control.
> Applications -> Sound and Video -> PulseAudio Volume Control
> First select the Output Devices tab and make sure the drop down in the
> lower right corner is set to All output devices.
> Then select the Configuration tab.  If you right click on the device you
> want Pulse to ignore, at the bottom of the menu is an off selection.
> Pulse won't know about that device if you turn it off.  If you want to
> have pulse replace the default device in alsa you can do some scripting
> in .asoundrc to make it happen (I won't go into it here), or you can
> make sure that the device you want pulse to ignore is device 1.  The
> default device in alsa is always device 0 unless you script it
> differently.  In this case, pulse will use device 0 to play and you can
> play using alsa with device 1.
> But it sounds like you have another problem.  That all your sound
> devices aren't being recognized.  Run the script at the link below.  It
> will put a text file in /tmp/alsa-info.txt  with information about your
> system.  If the card you want isn't in that file that means it is not
> recognized by alsa and you will not be able to use it.  If it is a plug
> in card, remove it and plug it back in just before you run the script.
> http://git.alsa-project.org/?p=alsa-driver.git;a=blob_plain;f=utils/alsa-info.sh

I've run the script and it shows both sound cards. I think the output is too
large for the mailing list so I have sent it directly to you (Stan). I hope
you don't mind.

Thanks for your help.

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