Hello Patel,

On Mon, 2009-10-05 at 08:12 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-10-05 at 08:03 -0400, Fabio Jara wrote:
> > > I hope Tim (ignored_mailbox) will not see your advice. He recently
> > was
> > > very angry about yum clean all. Now it's forbidden to give such
> > advice
> > > ;-)
> > Why is that? that worked for me two times in a row now, why is it
> > forbidden? O_o For future reference.
> The only reason to use "yum clean all" instead of "yum clean metadata"
> is if you're running out of space because of cached packages. Then you
> get to waste bandwidth (not to mention server resources) downloading
> them again.
> "yum clean metadata" has solved every problem I've ever had that "yum
> clean all" would have solved. I would be interested to hear *reasoned*
> argument about why this might not always be the case (apart from the
> disk space issue already mentioned).

A while ago i try to update my notebook with yum, and for some reason
there was a conflict between the kmod-nvidia driver and another package.
So i did all the normal methods that the error suggest me, also yum
clean metadata. But when i try to update the same error got me again, so
i got wild and type yum clean all. Try again and it work! So, that's why
i suggested to do the same. :)

I think that with the package-cleanup --problems and the --dupes
something was still there, so the clean all remove it.

And a short time ago i was having almost the same issue, i asked for
help in the mailing list, and the problem this time was that the package
have been updated in the mirror but not it's dependencies. So after a
couple of days the error wasn't there anymore.

That's my history XD, a very short one.

> poc

My kind regards.

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