On Mon, 2009-10-05 at 11:37 -0400, Fabio Jara wrote:
> Hello Patel,
> On Mon, 2009-10-05 at 08:12 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> > On Mon, 2009-10-05 at 08:03 -0400, Fabio Jara wrote:
> > > > I hope Tim (ignored_mailbox) will not see your advice. He recently
> > > was
> > > > very angry about yum clean all. Now it's forbidden to give such
> > > advice
> > > > ;-)
> > > Why is that? that worked for me two times in a row now, why is it
> > > forbidden? O_o For future reference.
> > 
> > The only reason to use "yum clean all" instead of "yum clean metadata"
> > is if you're running out of space because of cached packages. Then you
> > get to waste bandwidth (not to mention server resources) downloading
> > them again.
> > 
> > "yum clean metadata" has solved every problem I've ever had that "yum
> > clean all" would have solved. I would be interested to hear *reasoned*
> > argument about why this might not always be the case (apart from the
> > disk space issue already mentioned).
> A while ago i try to update my notebook with yum, and for some reason
> there was a conflict between the kmod-nvidia driver and another package.
> So i did all the normal methods that the error suggest me, also yum
> clean metadata. But when i try to update the same error got me again, so
> i got wild and type yum clean all. Try again and it work! So, that's why
> i suggested to do the same. :)
> I think that with the package-cleanup --problems and the --dupes
> something was still there, so the clean all remove it.

That would indicate a bug in "yum clean metadata". If this happens again
you should report it.

In any case the sequence "yum clean metadata" and only if that doesn't
work then "yum clean all" is perfectly reasonable.

> And a short time ago i was having almost the same issue, i asked for
> help in the mailing list, and the problem this time was that the package
> have been updated in the mirror but not it's dependencies. So after a
> couple of days the error wasn't there anymore.

I don't see the relevance of this last comment. If the package
dependencies haven't been updated in a mirror, neither "clean all" nor
"clean metadata" is going to fix the problem.


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