On Sunday 25 October 2009, Timothy Murphy wrote:
> I had a little program which I ran each day
> as a cron job to mail me the IP address of a machine
> in a different country.
> I give the program sm.py below;
> I can't remember where I found it.
> In any case, the program has ceased to work
> because the site heliohost seems to have gone off-line.
Why not use a Dynamic DNS client and set up a hostname on a free DDNS 
domain? That way you don't have to rely on a script like this, just use 
something that goes out and updates the DDNS server every day or twice a 
day or whenever the IP changes? noip.info is one of the DDNS systems I use 
and it's got it's own DDNS script which updates the DNS servers every time 
the IP changes, so you don't have to rely on email. :-)

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