Timothy Murphy wrote:
> Mikkel wrote:
>> If it does not already have a configuration for it, you can modify
>> one of the configurations to get the information from your
>> router/modem. What it is designed to do is get the "real" IP
>> address, and forward it to one of the dynamic DNS services. But all
>> you need is the get the IP address part, and the mail messages part.
> Sorry, I was being stupid.
> I am actually running ddclient to send my IP address to dyndns.com .
> I guess I could look at the code for this
> and run it to post the IP address to me.
You can probably get by with just changing /etc/ddclient.conf.
Uncomment the "#mail=root" line, and change it to mail the messages
to whoever you want. (Assuming you have outgoing mail set up.)
Configure the "use=" line to what ever you need on that machine, and
do not set up any dynamic DNS service to be updated.

I have not tried it, but it should work...


  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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