Mikkel wrote:

>> OpenVPN makes me feel that all the machines are in the same LAN
>> (which I suppose they are),
>> while two machines linked by ssh seems somehow more remote.

> What I was referring to was using one of the dynamic DNS services
> and using openvpn. I don't see how one would give you problems with
> the other.

I didn't suggest, or mean to suggest, that I had any problem with dyndns
because I was running OpenVPN.
The only problem I have had with dyndns is that I haven't been able
to use a domain name I bought from EuroDNS,
although both eurodns and dyndns mention the other in their documentation.
> With openvpn, it depends on how you set it up as to if you are
> joining the remote network, or just the remote machine.

I'm just setting up the remote machine as a client.
I guess I would quite like to set up a remote LAN,
and join that to my local LAN.
I didn't know that was possible with openVPN.

> (Are you using a bridged
> connection on one or both ends, or have you set up IP tables and
> routing to do the same thing?)

I'm running shorewall on my local server,
and allow openvpn traffic through with that.
(I also had to open a pin-hole on my local ADSL modem.)

> With ssh it is usually a machine to
> machine connection, but you can also get fancy with port forwarding
> over ssh. I used to forward port 25 over an ssh connection so that
> my outgoing mail was coming from the "local" machine as far as the
> mail server on the remote machine was concerned.

I'm not very clear on this sort of thing,
but your remark makes me wonder if I could use that idea
to get over a completely different problem I have:
My college has set up mailman so that list-owners
(and I presume anyone else) has to post email 
from within the college system.
I would prefer to send email from home, where I can use KMail,
although it is very little trouble to ssh into my college account,
and send email from there.

Timothy Murphy  
e-mail: gayleard /at/ eircom.net
tel: +353-86-2336090, +353-1-2842366
s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland

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