On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 15:14:51 +0000,
  Timothy Murphy <gayle...@eircom.net> wrote:
> I'm wondering if there is some simple way in KMail
> of changing the From: address in a one-off way,
> I mean so that most email comes from a default address,
> but one can give an alternative address if one wishes.
> As far as I can see, the From: address is set
> as part of the users "Identity".
> I suppose one could have a second KMail account
> with a different Identity, but that would be cumbersome.

That will likely work. But if you are relaying email through someone else's
(say your ISP) email server they may not permit that.

I don't know the features available to kmail, but other mail clients do
allow you to trigger actions based on headers in the email and would be
able to set the from header base on the recipients list. And assuming that
the from header was used to generate the envelope sender address (sometimes
the local user login name gets used along with the hostname), this could
be pretty much fire and forget.

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