jackson byers wrote:
Tom Horsley responded
Everyone seems to think UUID= is infinitely better to use than LABEL=,
but specifically because I can control the LABEL but have no control
over the UUID, I always change the fstab and wot-not to use LABEL=
after giving my partitions meaningful labels with e2label.

I have been converted to using UUIDs also,
but I have often wondered if it would be
easy/worthwhile to convert back to using labels.
In my experience, the UUID for the rootfs
is also hidden away in the init file in the initrd.img.
If one tries to convert from UUID to labels, doesn't
the init file have to be changed also?
(That requires unpacking, editing the init, repacking.)
Or is it OK to leave UUID in that init file, but labels elsewhere?

I am convinced that UUID makes things less convenient but more reliable. One experience with labels and a USB disk was enough for me, if I hadn't noticed that the f/s was mounted in the wrong disk data would have been lost.

There are tools to change UUID if you must, but I would rather not in virtually all cases.

Bill Davidsen <david...@tmr.com>
  "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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