On Saturday 14 November 2009, Mikkel wrote:
>Gene Heskett wrote:
>> Logically, the root (hd0,0) must over-ride any UUID's that may be in the
>> initrd.img, otherwise it could not possibly have found even the grub.conf
>> to show me at boot time.
>The root (hd0,0) is only used by Grub, and tells Grub where to find
>its information. It is completely independent of the OS. But it does
>need to be on a file system that Grub can read. (There are
>exceptions to this...) The only affect it has on booting Linux is
>that it tells Grub the start of the path to find the files specified
>in the menu entries. It has nothing to do with locating grub.conf.
>This is set by grub-install.
>As for Grub documentation, you can try the Grub info file. It can be
>a bit cryptic in places,

The last time I looked at pinfo grub (note the 'p', info itself is a POS) 
cryptic was not the description that came to my mind.  Far more is left 
unwritten than is written. IMO.

>but it does cover this. The thing to
>remember is that Grub is not a Linux program. It is a boot loader
>that can load Linux, as well as other operating systems. You can
>install and use Grub on a system that does not have Linux installed
>at all. You can also boot a Linux system that does not have Grub
And my point was Mikkel, that the contents of the initrd.img, regarding much 
of this, are completely moot once the initrd.img file has been found and 
loaded.  Therefore the previous posts in this and other previous threads, 
claiming that the drive/partitions UUID's were part of the initrd.img, are in 
fact bogus.

But, given the lack of _good_ info on how grub really works, (IMO docs should 
be complete enough that the function could be re-written based entirely on 
the documentation available) such an obviously erroneous conclusion could 
easily be drawn.


Cheers, Gene
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