Tim (re hidden SSIDs):
>> It doesn't add *ANY* security.
>> It *does* add problems.
>> It doesn't hide your access point, at all.  It still appears as an
>> access point that can be used.  Anybody, and everybody, can see that
>> there's one there.  It just doesn't have a name associated with it.
>> And the lack of a name doesn't prevent anyone from using it.

Bill Davidsen:
> FUD. How can you hold two diametrically opposed ideas in your brain without 
> your 
> head exploding?

You idiot.  You don't understand what you're reading, and the one
spouting the FUD is you - that hiding an SSID has anything, at all, even
to the slightest degree, to do with security.  Get a fucking clue.

> Look at your first two lines and reconcile "adds no security" 
> with "harder to use."

The two have absolutely nothing to do with each other.

Security is about *preventing* unauthorised use, the SSID has absolutely
nothing to do with security.  And *no* amount of futzing around with it
will ever "secure" a network.

Being "harder to use" without it is about breaking normal network
functionality.  Those people that are authorised to use the system, now,
have a more difficult time connecting to the right access point, or
avoiding connecting to the wrong one.

When will idiots get it through their dense heads that making something
more difficult to use, normally/properly, has absolutely nothing to do
with making something more secure.  And that publicly repeating
that /hide the SSID/ crap actually causes harm.  Because of it, we have
people foolishly breaking their networking, and thinking that they're
securing it.

Do not hide the SSID, it is a COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME.

[...@localhost ~]$ uname -r

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