On Thu, 2009-11-26 at 20:39 -0500, Bill Davidsen wrote:
> The only way to absolutely prevent unauthorized use is to turn off the
> machine. That's why there are security updates regularly, *all*
> measures are about making it harder, forcing the evildoer to find and
> use the more difficult exploit.

Irrelevant to the second topic at hand.  That the SSID has nothing to do
with security, and no amount of ducking and weaving makes it so.  It's
not a security device, it's not a measure taken to secure a device, it's
not an exploit issue.

The *name* of a wireless network (the SSID) is not a security issue.
The *name* of a computer is not a security issue.
The *name* of anything else on our LAN is not a security issue.

Passwords, pass phrases, and keys *are*.

To the first topic at hand:  First advice to anybody having issues
getting their network to work is to stop hiding the SSID, now, and for
the future.  When you set up your network to work properly, then you're
much likely to find that it works.

Anybody who offers bad advice about hiding it, and false justifications
for doing so, needs correcting.  They are in error, and causing problems
for everyone trying to set up networking.

[...@localhost ~]$ uname -r

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