On Thu, 2009-12-10 at 13:42 -0500, Tom Horsley wrote:

> On my system, I turn off NetworkManager and build (by hand) a ifcfg-br0
> script to define the bridge, and make ifcfg-eth0 part of the bridge, moving
> all IPADDR and such parameters to the bridge.

This was going to be my next step. I actually did get it to work with
manual configuration, but then I realized it won't do me any good anyway
because my desktop workstation is on the other side of the corporate
firewall from the wireless network, so I can't connect my Palm to my
desktop via the network anyway. 

Anybody had any success getting USB devices to work on the virtual
machines in KVM (back to the original question)? I can go through the
process of attaching it to the virtual machine (it is seen by the
virt-manager), but this doesn't appear to actually work. Windows doesn't
see it and only the USB subsystem ever shows up in the virtual machine
details page.


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