On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 3:15 PM, Michael Semcheski <mhsemche...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 3:04 PM, Kirk Lowery
> <empirical.human...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I've played around with all the settings, googled for the problem, no
> joy. I
> > even installed the livna kmod drivers and they would only recognize one
> > monitor. Besides, the LiveCD did TheRightThing(tm), so it ought to work.
> I've been playing around with nvidia cards on a number of machines the
> last couple of days, and there is a gotcha with the RPM Fusion Nvidia
> drivers.
> That is, if nouveua is loaded, the nvidia driver won't work.  So, I
> would say, dump one or the other.  Either remove kmod-nvidia, or
> blacklist nouveau, as shown on this page:
> http://fedorasolved.org/video-solutions/nvidia-yum-kmod/
> (one caveat about this page)*
> If you look at dmesg, and see a bunch of nvidia related errors, try
> blacklisting nouveau.
Yes, I had blacklisted nouveau in grub.conf. The problem with the livna
drivers is that they would not detect at boot time the second monitor.

I'd like to get nouveau to work, though.

Thanks for the response!

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