On Thu, Dec 24, 2009 at 9:07 AM, Greg Woods <wo...@ucar.edu> wrote:

> On Thu, 2009-12-24 at 06:41 -0500, Kirk Lowery wrote:
> >
> > So how does nouveau get away without an xorg.conf?
> The Xorg server will probe your monitor to get the information it needs
> to configure it. This is known as "EDID" (no doubt someone here can tell
> us what that acronym stands for). This is highly advantageous if your
> monitor supports EDID (almost all monitors sold today do), as
> configuration is totally automatic. The problem comes in if you have an
> older monitor that doesn't do EDID, then you're screwed:
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=539289
> That's for my laptop, I have a similar problem with a desktop at work
> where I have an older (~3 years) Dell monitor. My issues with the laptop
> started when I moved from F11 to F12, but it has been several versions
> of Fedora since I have been able to use full 1920x1080 resolution on
> that old Dell at work. At home where I have a newer Dell monitor that
> does do EDID, it works great on two different machines, one with the
> Nvidia proprietary driver and one with the default nouveau setup.
> So...why does the xserver and nouveau do the RightThing(tm) on the LiveCD
(namely, stretches the background image across both monitors), but does the
WrongThing(tm) (namely, duplicates the background image on each monitor)
when it boots from the hard disk after the install?

Actually, I don't care why. :-)

What I'm after is a way to tell the xserver to do it just like the LiveCD
does. I figure some boot (kernel?) parameter, or some command line option
supplied to the xserver at boot time?

Thanks for the helpful info!

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