  I am thinking of buying a Dell 2209WA 22'' display and to use it
under Fedora. I need this monitor especially for long hours of
writing code and reading documents. I do not intend to use it at all for
movies/games. This monitor is a bit more expensive than the average;
however, it has an e-IPS panel, which is (so I was told) a bit better
than the common panels (TN).
I would appreciate if anybody who had tried this monitor
with Fedora can give any feedback to this post.
Especially I am interested in whether he could set the resolution to
1680 x 1050 (which is the maximum resolution for this monitor)
and which model of display adapter did he use, and was he satisfied with
this monitor. (Especially was the text sharp enough, and would he
recommend this display for long hours of text-based usage like
programming/reading docs).


(Also I would like to know the output of running : xrandr).

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