On Sun, 2009-12-20 at 20:28 +0200, Mark Ryden wrote:
> Hello,
>   I am thinking of buying a Dell 2209WA 22'' display and to use it
> under Fedora. I need this monitor especially for long hours of
> writing code and reading documents. I do not intend to use it at all for
> movies/games. This monitor is a bit more expensive than the average;
> however, it has an e-IPS panel, which is (so I was told) a bit better
> than the common panels (TN).
> I would appreciate if anybody who had tried this monitor
> with Fedora can give any feedback to this post.
> Especially I am interested in whether he could set the resolution to
> 1680 x 1050 (which is the maximum resolution for this monitor)
> and which model of display adapter did he use, and was he satisfied with
> this monitor. (Especially was the text sharp enough, and would he
> recommend this display for long hours of text-based usage like
> programming/reading docs).
> Rgs,
> Mark
> PS
> (Also I would like to know the output of running : xrandr).

I've got a 22" DELL 2208WFP (TN) and a 24" 2408WFP (S-PVA), and I can't
say that the difference between the two is earth shattering.
Unless you are into image retouching, a good TN is "Good Enough(tm)".

Both monitor are auto detected (1680x1050, 1920x1200) out of the box by
both the nouveau driver and the binary nVidia drivers.

- Gilboa

- Gilboa

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