On 12/23/2009 09:53 AM, Andrew Haley wrote:
> On 12/23/2009 04:21 AM, Linuxguy123 wrote:
>> Please reply if you need to ( ie must) use the proprietary nvidia driver
>> instead of the nouveau driver.
>> Or some other video driver that doesn't support kernel mode switching.
>> DON'T reply otherwise, I don't want to hear a debate on the free
>> versions versus proprietary or anything else.
> I'm still using the proprietary driver because I need full dual-link DVI
> support at 2560x1600 resolution.  I haven't found a free driver that can
> do that.

Actually, I withdraw that comment.  I just installed F12 with all the updates
and I don't need the proprietary nvidia driver.  Big congrats to the developers:
one more piece of unfree software I no longer need.


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