On 01/04/2010 06:39 PM, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> I installed bind and tried to use it as a basic cacheing nameserver,
> which in principal just means running named and
> pointing /etc/resolv.conf to However resolv.conf keeps
> getting overwritten by NetworkManager, and I notice an excessive number
> of "Resolving foo ..." messages from Firefox and Chrome, i.e. no
> cacheing is being done as far as I can tell. Note that I didn't touch
> named.conf or any other config files.
> How does one convince NM not to interfere with resolv.conf? (Please
> don't tell me to uninstall NM, that's not going to happen).
> poc
System --> Preferences --> Network Connections

Pick the type of interface, and then the specific interface.
Highlight it and click on edit.
Under the IPv4 Settings, change the Method drop-down to "Automatic
(DHCP) address only". If you are using IPv6, then change that
drop-down to address only.


  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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