On 01/05/2010 10:08 AM, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-01-04 at 19:08 -0600, Mikkel wrote:
>> On 01/04/2010 06:39 PM, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
>>> I installed bind and tried to use it as a basic cacheing nameserver,
>>> which in principal just means running named and
>>> pointing /etc/resolv.conf to However resolv.conf keeps

   I may be stating the obvious or missed it that you tried this ...

   But did you try this:

    In the NM applet when editing config:

  under IPV4 settings  set

     method -> Automatic (DHCP) addresses only

 Then fill in the DNS servers you want to use (
 And the search domains:

 I do this and my resolv.conf is never touched.


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