Rahul Sundaram wrote:
Douglas McClendon wrote:

How about we split livecd-iso-to-disk into its own package, specifically because of the use-case scenario of a user just wanting to put their newly downloaded f8-livecd on usb, without any need or interest in full-blown livecd-creation?

And install it by default, perhaps even in the minimal base spin config?

This sounds like a good idea especially if we provide a menu option to make this feature more visible to users and reviewers who don't read the release notes which is unfortunately quite a lot.

I could throw together a ghetto zenity gui pretty quickly. The only user interaction is

a) selecting iso
- for the gui, this could be handled by zenity file-selection, or the default would be to use /dev/live if it exists (i.e. /dev/live is the accessible block device representing the currently booted livecd).

b) bypassing checkisomd5 if it fails
- this is easily enough a zenity question, or perhaps just make it a pure failure case for the gui

c) livecd-iso-to-disk result text output, either success, or failure for some reason. Easy enough to dump to a zenity dialog.

I'm curious, what kind of deadlines should I be thinking about for this and other livecd related things.

I.e. the f8 devel freeze is Oct 4th, as of f8t3 release. But then there is an f8t3 devel freeze as of Sept 25th (along with translation freeze).

What sort of development is considered acceptable between those two dates?

Obviously I would like to get anything in by say... tonight, so that Jeremy has time to decide to accept it and commit it before tuesday, and then not try to get anything in after that.

And would this theoretical gui livecd-iso-to-disk separate package fall outside the scope of even the oct-4th devel freeze, because it is a 'new' package?


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