On Tue, 2008-04-08 at 09:25 +0100, James Gallagher wrote:
> ok, timezones mean you guys can't reply for a while,
> but let me add this.
> I've been a major supporter of Fedora for over 4
> years,  I realize I'm on the "user" side and your team
> is the "development" side, but it's "quid pro quo"
> right?
> How about a little help here to make the user
> experience smoother?

I have a hard time seeing adding a development environment at the
expense of end-user applications as something which makes the user
experience smoother.  It may help one use case, but at the expense of
others.  And it helps one which really isn't in line with Fedora's
overall goals and mission, which makes it somewhat unattractive given
the cost


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