On Tue, 2008-04-08 at 22:41 +0100, James Gallagher wrote:
> I think the LivecCD with an extra 20mb of devel rpms
> would fit on a cd with overburn enabled, easily. I
> think k3b, nero, roxio etc can all easily do an
> overburn. Why not release the standard LiveCD and
> another one with devel rpms included and a warning
> that overburn will be required?

Overburning isn't something that you want to try to support.  We have
enough problems with flaky drives and media burning 700 meg images as it
stands :(

And "just add another image" is actually a pretty expensive proposition
in terms of hosting, testing, etc.  And it then isn't entirely obvious
how a user is going to know what the "right" thing to download is.


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