On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 05:08:55PM -0600, Ian Weller wrote:
> I've got a roadmap in my head somewhere without any dates on it. From
> what I've learned in the past few months on this list, here's what I
> envision, in some sort of vague order:
> * Approve mockup of page designs
> * Compile images and stories
> * Place images and stories in book
> * Proof stories for typography and content
> * Pressure FPL to write foreword

Heh, very little pressure required -- glad to do it.

> * Approve photo placement
> * Create index of people in back
> * Other last-minute checks
> * CMYK-ify PDFs
> * Publish
> * ???
> * Profit!
> No way in hell we're getting this done by F11 so F12 Beta is my target
> for being published right now.

The way I see it, this is very much a team-driven project with a
fungible time line.  Many teams tend to similarly have two kinds of
projects -- those that are release-driven, backed by a repeatable
(sometimes improving process, and those that are team-driven and are
"done when they're done."

Paul W. Frields                                http://paul.frields.org/
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