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--- Comment #7 from Christoph Wickert <>  2009-01-10 
21:08:36 EDT ---
(In reply to comment #6)
> Do I need to switch to
> %{!?python_sitearch: %define python_sitearch %(%{__python} -c "from
> distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib(1)")}
> at the beginning of the spec file? It says "sitelib for noarch packages,
> sitearch for others"

No, because you are not using %{python_arch} anywhere in the %files section.
Remove the %{!?python_sitearch:... from the spec, you are not going to need it.

> Why don't I see any output when I run gget from a terminal?

No idea, you should.

> Even with this change, gget still doesn't run for me.

What version and arch are you using?

> Ok, done.

Yeah, but you are using /usr/share/icons/hicolor/*/apps/gget.* which is
STRICTLY forbidden. Needs to be %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/*/apps/gget.*

> I removed "%define epimajor 2.23". Where should I use wildcards?

You removed the 'define...', but you did not remove %{epimajor} from
Requires/BuildRequires. IMO you can remove both and then use wildcards in the
files section (as you already do).

A site note on this issue:

$ rpm -ql gget-epiphany-extension | grep epi

As you can see these three directories are already owned by epiphany and there
should not be duplicate dir ownerships as outlined in
So usually we would just own the files, not the dirs with

The problem is: If epiphany gets updated from 2.22 to 2.23 the three
directories will become unowned. 

BTW: This also means you will need to to a rebuild gget after every major
version update of epiphany.

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