On Wednesday 11 April 2007 22:02, Richard S. Hall wrote:
> The PPMC just got word from Upayavira that the Felix resolution to
> graduate to a TLP passed unanimously at the last board meeting...
> In short, we did it!
> A big thank you to everyone who contributed directly or indirectly. 
> Let the rejoicing commence!

"King Richard declares; A 6 month festival will now commence, with dance, song 
and gladiator games..." oops, maybe not ;o)

> We will start the migration process as soon as possible, but first we 
> have to figure out what needs to be done.

The main list of steps for infrastructure should be present on the Board 
resolution. So, acting as the VP of Felix, you instruct infrastructure to 
create the DNS entries, migrate the mailing lists and create a new SVN area 
(probably forgot something). I think it should be both placed on the issue 
tracking as well as mailing the infrastructure@ (or is it root@ nowadays?) 

After that, it should just be a matter of "svn cp" 
from /repos/asf/incubator/felix to /repos/asf/felix, unless infra does that 
in one go.

Updating the STATUS page with the news Felix has graduated.

Remove the Incubating disclaimers in source and website.


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