congratulations to the felix community!

btw. i found this

"King Richard declares; A 6 month festival will now commence, with dance, song 
and gladiator games..." oops, maybe not ;o)"

very promising ;-) probably until ApacheCon '07 which would by a matching final 
of the festival?


----- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Thu, 12 Apr 2007 09:44:16 +0800
Von: Niclas Hedhman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Betreff: Re: Break open the bubbly!

> On Wednesday 11 April 2007 22:02, Richard S. Hall wrote:
> > The PPMC just got word from Upayavira that the Felix resolution to
> > graduate to a TLP passed unanimously at the last board meeting...
> >
> > In short, we did it!
> >
> > A big thank you to everyone who contributed directly or indirectly. 
> >
> > Let the rejoicing commence!
> "King Richard declares; A 6 month festival will now commence, with dance,
> song 
> and gladiator games..." oops, maybe not ;o)
> > We will start the migration process as soon as possible, but first we 
> > have to figure out what needs to be done.
> The main list of steps for infrastructure should be present on the Board 
> resolution. So, acting as the VP of Felix, you instruct infrastructure to 
> create the DNS entries, migrate the mailing lists and create a new SVN
> area 
> (probably forgot something). I think it should be both placed on the issue
> tracking as well as mailing the infrastructure@ (or is it root@ nowadays?)
> team.
> After that, it should just be a matter of "svn cp" 
> >from /repos/asf/incubator/felix to /repos/asf/felix, unless infra does
> that 
> in one go.
> Updating the STATUS page with the news Felix has graduated.
> Remove the Incubating disclaimers in source and website.
> Cheers
> Niclas

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