On 20/11/2010, at 12:24 AM, john skaller wrote:

> [bind_exe: fun_return ] return of  index_8651<8651>[<T8648>, <T8649>]:
> fun return type:
> list[<T8648>] -> list[<T8649>]
> must have same type as return expression:
> list[<T8648>] -> (list[<T8648>] -> list[<T8649>])
> In build/release-optimized/lib/std/list.flx: line 123, cols 1 to 3
> 122:     return aux x Empty[U];
> 123:   }
>     ***
> 124:
> Clearly the same bug  .. why can't I see what it is?

Hmmm .... Here's the trick .. if a function f has index i, its
return type is initially set to

        arg -> Ti

where Ti is a type variable. This allows forming a term
based on the return type, and then solving for the 
type variables of several function at once (think mutually
recursive functions).

This is done by "do_unify". The variables are stored in state.syms.varmap.

They're both hashtables..

type typevarmap_t = (Flx_types.bid_t, Flx_btype.t) Hashtbl.t
  ticache : (bid_t, Flx_btype.t) Hashtbl.t;

OMG .. same type, I just bet I mixed them up!

john skaller

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