I like this guy's blog, today's post on scripting opengl made me nod
my head a lot


I rarely understand what he's talking about because it's in haskell and in fact
in this post there are more words spent on figuring out the type of
things than actually doing things
(maybe figuring out types is how you get things done in haskell or
maybe even just thinking about "doing" things
shows that I'm stuck firmly in the procedural mindset).

Anyway, one of the things I find frustrating when trying to talk about
this stuff is that I'm unsure of the vocabulary.

Wikipedia's got some dreadful stuff on control inversion, I'm really
not sure we're even talking about the same thing.

This explanation makes most sense to me, but it doesn't count because
John wrote it (there's nothing wrong with
John writing things, but the chances of it using a standard vocabulary
aren't good)


There's continuations, closures, and threads, which have always
unquestionably been two things: control+asynchronicity
People who want the first property and are flagellated by the second,
and those who want the second often under appreciate
the first, or worse, burn CPU cycles when they have nothing to do.

Oops, it's late, but if anyone can point me to some definitions on
this stuff that would be great.

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