On 27/11/2012, at 2:17 PM, Dobes Vandermeer wrote:

> One interesting approach to stack handling they suggested in the "Cheney on 
> the MTA" paper was using "alloca" with a negative parameter to *deallocate* 
> stack space.  In their case it was relatively safe because they know that all 
> the stack frames are dead, but in your case you might be able to make a 
> similar assertion, perhaps for some functions you'd know that the current 
> stack frame is always dead and you will always use values from the "parent" 
> by passing a pointer to all the desired state into that function.
> Another portable approach to tail calls in C/C++ is trampolining, but that is 
> costly in runtime performance because a trampolined call is far more 
> expensive than a regular call.
> A hybrid approach with trampolining might be OK, though - perhaps procedures 
> can be "sharded" into smaller functions and the trampolining technique is 
> used to move between shards.  Then maybe most calls don't have to use the 
> trampolines.  Procedures that never yield control could be converted into 
> regular functions, too, which might alleviate the problem a bit.

I'm not sure I fully understand. The problem is that logically to exchange 
one needs to swap stacks. Felix does this the easy way: by requiring the stacks
to be empty, stack swapping is a NOP.

In C, you might get away with simply assembler hacks to swap stacks.
In C++, with exception handling and the like, you probably can't.

The only portable way in C/C++ to swap stacks is to use threads.
The operating system then swaps the stacks for you. This is perfectly
good logically, it's easy enough to "lock out pre-emptions" and force
swapping to go the way you want.

The problem is that the cost is huge: threads use a lot of kernel
memory,  context switches are slow, and scheduling is also slow,
compared to a trivial register exchange.

The other problem is that linear address machines are unsuitable for
handling many threads. Linear addressing only works for that
if you have a massive address space. This is because threads
all need a huge address space for the stack to ensure they
don't run out of address space, because stack addresses
cannot be changed. (Segmented architectures do not have this problem).

You cannot run many threads on a 32 bit linear address machine:
so it doesn't matter if you can swap stacks or not. By today's standards
you can run a modest number of threads on a 64 bit machine.
Just for perspective .. nVidia Kepler GPU is designed to run
10,000 threads. It's in the shops now.. It has 3000 cores,
memory is slow, context switching is lightning fast, so its designed
so you oversaturate it with threads (it actually swaps threads whilst
waiting for memory, the same way a desktop swaps threads
waiting for disk).

With these kinds of demands, linear stacks aren't an option.
Which is why Felix uses a heap allocated spaghetti stack.
Other modern systems use a linear allocation scheme with
a copying collector: as fast as the machine stack but without
the huge cost in address space. Ocaml does this (but it uses
the stack too).

Ideally, we have to get rid of the machine stack.

Trampolines are a hack to implement closures for stupid
languages like C where a function only has a single address
instead of two (one for the program counter and one for
the data pointer). The binding is dynamic so it needs 
writable memory which is also executable, usually done
with two mappings of the same physical memory. I'm not 
sure why that would be slow.

Anyhow our problem here is that most CPU's can handle 
the control structures required, but most higher level
languages cannot.

john skaller

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