It just sounds very painful, and even putting them out for a short period of time and waking them back up, I am convinced this is what caused my Snowballs attack.

 I had been told by a local vet that bone marrow biopsies are painful. However, the oncologist did one on Simon and from what I could tell there was no pain. They had to knock him out for a short amount of time to do it, which is  not great, but it was the kind of mild anesthesia where they wake them up with a shot when it's done, and he did not seem to feel any pain at the spot afterwards.  The oncologist did not think it an invasive procedure at all.
In a message dated 2/21/05 4:46:04 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
But, would you want to put any kitty through that kind of pain, and if she is negative would you get rid of her? Also, if she tests negative on a blood test that should be good enough to go on...I feel.

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