That's wonderful about Ling adjusting.  Do you think she was so underweight because her human was taken away from her?  Thank goodness she's found herself in such a loving home.  You could try Nutrical, (it's for underweight kitties to help them gain energy and nutrients).  Also, I haven't tried it myself yet, but what about Petinic (sp?).  It was suggested by my GP vet as an overall supplement and I've heard others on the list talk about it.  B12 does sound like a good idea, but I don't think I'd subject her to injections so soon after the transition, especially since she's beginning to trust you.  I don't know if it's worth taking the chance of setting her back and making her suspicious of you.  I've given sublingual B12, but have been told it's not effective that way.  I'm betting if you offer her yummy stuff whenever you catch her looking at you, she'll soon fatten up.  God bless you and your whole tribe!

Hi all,
    Last week this time I picked up a kitty that was willed to my rescue that another Humane Society had delivered to me.  They drove over 3 hours to get her to me.
Never had one this old willed to me before. The person was put into a nursing home and passed on. This kitty I swear maybe had a few days of life in her...now she is progressing well...Amazing!
Anyway, the kitty is negative on the Felv/Fiv test
(they tested her).
She is a 15 yr old Spayed female Siamese purebred. She was extremely underweight she is a large boned kitty and has big feet. She could very easily weigh when healthy 14-15 pounds but she is lucky if she weighs 5-6 pounds at the time of arrival. Very nice personality gets along with my others.
I have been feeding her alot of different dryfoods because I free feed my kitties. Been giving her extra wetfood as well. She has gain almost a pound since being here. Fur is getting soft. She had diarrhea the first 2 days, now that is gone stools are solid and normal...YAY!
Is there something else that I can give her to help boost her system? Like supplements or something?
She will be pampered by my husband and I for the rest of her life. Last night she purred for the first time since being here. She is such a sweetie too...By the way she does sleep with us and the other kitties on our bed.
THANK GOD it's a King Size bed!
I'm open for any suggestions...thanks!



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