Sheila, I can already tell Lucky was one special guy for you and your husband – you must miss him terribly – I do also like the pillow case idea – I think it also goes back to the complete darkness thinking, where he felt calm when he was covered –

The only question is how could the vet take a blood out of her without freaking her out – as my vet usually put the needle under their chin area to draw blood – any thought?


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2005 4:39 PM
Subject: Re: OT-need advise


My cat Lucky was 17 and weighed 20 lbs, when he passed away and in all those years he wouldn't let anyone touch him except my husband and me. The first trip to the vet was a nightmare. When the vet opened the carrier to take him out Lucky locked his claws in the back of the carrier and would not be moved. The vet tried everything including turning the carrier upside down and trying to shake him out. I finally managed to get him to come out when everyone left the room. When the vet came back in he attacked her and her helper bloody scratches every where. They finally subdued him with a pole the kind you catch dogs with. It was horrible to watch but he was very sick and needed attention. The vet was a good friend of mind is the only reason she didn't report him as a vicious and dangerous animal. She told me to put him in a pillow case the next time I had to bring him in. Well, I thought that sounded a little crazy but I was willing to try anything. Turned out to be the best tip she ever gave me. So the next time I had to take him in to have a tooth pulled, Lucky calmed right down when I slipped the pillow case over him and she was able to give him a shot right through the pillow case. I used a thin case with a draw string because I was afraid he might not get enough air, but he seemed to like it purred all the was there.



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