You are very welcome, Kyle.  I am usually the very first one to make a
quick conclusion from a blood work lab result myself, but my holistic
vet (and actually my regular vet also) always put me back in a place so
that we allow more leniency and opportunities for other possibilities
before making any conclusion from one lab work - 

Regardless, I will be thinking of you and Brissle that her condition
will only get better - and even if it's a cancer, I would also like to
suggest other alternative treatment besides chemo, too.

I happen to know two people (one is a lady who is an early 40 and
another one is 7 year old girl) who were diagnosed with brain cancer
very recently.  They both have gone through with chemo treatment and
both of them are now seeking for an alternative (holistic) treatment.
According to Lee (the first lady I mentioned), chemo therapy only made
her sicker, and her quality of life got much worsen due to a side effect
and she inquired me regarding some type of mushroom grows in Japan who
shows very encouraging result on treating cancer - and the father of the
girl (7 year old with a brain cancer) also asked me about the same thing
as a coincidence - so I asked my sister who lives in Japan to look into
it for me - my sister has a dog who was diagnosed with a lymph cancer
about 10 years ago, the vet only gave her 6 month to live, which was
about 10 years ago, my sister only does very natural treatment with no
drug - and her dog is out-living all other healthy siblings of hers and
her father dog - which is amazing (almost a miracle) to me. This always
give me a hope - nothing is definitely fatal - even if it seems that

So, please explore all the options before starting chemo even if it was
a cancer, Kyle. 

Hugs and loves to you and Brissle


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Melbeach
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 5:47 PM
Subject: Re: Brissle Update - Good News and Bad News

Thanks Hideyo. That's why I wanted to run it by the list first. I think
take Brissle to the specialist first for another blood test. Now I'm
if her blood was drawn before or after the Immunoregulin injection.
Maybe that
would make a difference.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Hideyo Yamamoto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 7:18 PM
Subject: RE: Brissle Update - Good News and Bad News

Hi, Kyle,
Is there any way that you can get a second opinion?  I feel that
starting with chemo without confirmation of the cause being a cancer is
also a risky for your kitty, I also suspected that my Simon and OB might
have a cancer, and my vet recommended ultrasound (preferable) or X-ray
to see if there are any indications of cancer - if she doesn't have a
cancer, she can get very sick from chemo, too.

And again, I don't know your kitty's condition right now, but if she is
not acting sick, could you wait and run another blood work in a few
weeks to see what happens before you start with chemo to see if anything
will change?  I just feel it's a bit premature suggestion on your vet's
to suggest chemo just judging from the blood work -

I just know that their CBC and chemistry panel change on a daily basis.
I had a cat one time whose HCT was 13 (he did not have FeLK), and did
not know why it was so low - but in a couple of weeks, it went back to
normal on his own - no one knew what was causing it - but it happens.

I will be praying for your kitty, Kyle.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 5:04 PM
Subject: Re: Brissle Update - Good News and Bad News

S**t, Kyle,
Oh man, I can't even come up with anything else to say.  Why does your
vet suspect cancer?  She's acting fine?  The WBC is indicative of
infection, right?  What is L/M?  Damn it Kyle, I feel like throwing a

Melbeach wrote:

>I just spoke with my vet after Brissle's blood tests from today. The
>news: Her HCT is now 21.3%, up from 9.7% five weeks ago. The bad news:
>is now 36.8, up from 17.3 (normal is 5.0 to 18.9). And her L/M is now
>(normal is 1.5 to 7.8), up from 9.0. Both of these numbers are off the
>My vet said that all signs point to cancer and he's strongly
>sending Brissle to a specialist for chemo. He said that her glands felt
>normal. He believes that the cancer is in the bone marrow. Everything
>seems normal at this point. She's eating fine, energy is good.
>I will probably go ahead with the chemo. Just wanted to hear what the
>gallery thought. I'm also wondering how much it costs and how often you
>to go.

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