I think that we are pretty much in agreement that FIV cats live a long healthy life most of the time – more likely, they do not die from FIV, but die with FIV – correct?  I have three FIV positive cats, and they are as healthy as FIV negative ones.  So, I wonder why they make a big deal on this virus??


I am mad – because I tested my Squeekie on FIV again – the first time, clinic test was negative, and sent it out to Antech lab on ELISA, and came back as positive, so it was sent out for Western Blot – and came back as “indeterminate” – I guess with the positive result, it will show two bands, and when negative, it shows no bands – and Squeekie's result showed only one band – and the DVM at the lab says that most “indeterminatewill turn into negatives – but occasionally it will turn into positive.


So, three weeks later (yesterday) – I took Suqeekie for her blood work again, again in house test result on FIV – negative – and Antech lab – positive – I had also sent it out to Cornell this time for both ELISA/Western blot to see what happens – I am so frustrated.  She is still in a confined area right now and wanted her to be able to interact with my negative ones – except I have 20 plus negative in this house, and really need to make sure that this is what I should do – and yet, I am not ready to mix her with positive ones either since that’s not determined either –


I know that FIV will not be transmitted casually easily without a bite wound, but I also understand that it happens as well –

Do you know any kitties who got sick from the virus and died of FIV?? – I just haven’t personally - I just don’t know what to do….any suggestions or advise will be appreciated.   Thank you very much!


PS: Is there any FIV support list out there??



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