I have found that my FeLV+ cats with URI's respond better to Baytril or 
Doxicycline than to Clavamox, though it sounds like Roxie is responding to the 
clavamox (knock on wood!)

In a message dated 4/25/05 9:43:35 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Well, good news.  Roxie seems to be much better.  She had improved 
yesterday, but was not completely back to normal and then this morning she ran 
up the 
stairs for breakfast and ate well again.  Her breathing is completly back to 
normal.  I am so happy.  Of course, we'll have to keep a close eye on her.  My 
vet wants to do a 2nd round of Clavomox (antibiotics) just to make sure we 
completely clear the upper respiratory infection and I am going to pick up a  
bronchodialter medication in case she has trouble again, but hopefully this is 
an isolated incident caused by the URI.  
Thank you all so much!
Lisa  >>

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