Thank you for the reminder MaryChristine...I've started scrubbing
anyway...figured it can't hurt..., and I've begun throwing out empty
boxes...but now, I'm wondering, does anyone know how effective
ELECTRONIC roach/insect repellents are such as those made by Pest
Repeller Ultimate???..The testimonials sound great (of course)...(I'm on
red alert now for every movement..keep looking at the floor by the
door....half-expecting to see one march in under the door. i know it
sounds so wimpy of me, and there are far worse problems in life, but I
really do have a total horror of them. I can live with just about any
other insect I've come across....) Thanks again for any info. You guys
are just great. Kerry

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of TenHouseCats
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 12:27 PM
Subject: Re: OT cat-safe roach control

to remind everyone again, these disgusting little critters can live on
almost anything--so it really ISN'T an issue of cleanliness or lack
thereof..... once they're in, they're just very hard to evict. the way
to approach the neighbors is to give them the facts about boxes and
bags and glue and soap--or they are likely to think you're judging
their housekeeping--being a poor housekeeper may make the situation
worse, for sure, but as anyone who's ever had roaches will tell you, a
spotless house is NO deterrent! (hmmmmm--since they LIKE soap, does
GOOD housekeeping make the place a better diner?)

caulking sounds like a great idea, too--but i'm not sure that any
human can ever actually find all the miniscule places they can use to
travel around a building.....

now, does anyone have any good suggestions for asian lady beetles and
box-elder bugs???????


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