Hi Stan,
I don't have anything to add that might help with Jersey's trouble. I wish I did. I just wanted you to know that I'm sending good thoughts your way and pray you find a way to help him get better. You're a wonderful cat-dad, Jersey is lucky to have someone who loves him so much.

stany petrov wrote:


I have Jersey from the semi- beginning when he was a baby. I just learned him to walk outside and get home. I lived in Brooklyn for 1 and a half years before I moved to Ohio. Here, he was fine till late January when he started sneezing and one of his eyes got red. The temp. was high. I took him to a vet (another one) twice. He put some shots and gave him antibiotics. Jersey got better but not exactly as before. The temp. was about 102.4- 102.5 and I let him out again. He likes hiking and if I lock the cat door he is starting to meow and scratch and tear the things around him. So, that was in March. And finally in late April, early May he started going outside and stay home which is not a good indicator for him. Finally he started loosing weight and walking hard with his back legs.

I will stop visiting this vet and try to feed him more but...I hardly think he will survive. His kidneys are a little bit arger than the normal and he has the symptom of the Polysyst Kidney disease- drinking lots of water and loosing weight and appetite. I am confused. He cannot move at all already (just for a week, unbelievable).

Thanks again


>From: Barbara Lowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
>To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
>Subject: Re: Jersey
>Date: Sat, 28 May 2005 09:58:42 -0400
>just a thought, i give one of my cats (who is negative for leuekmia)
>postassium citrate to ward off any more bouts of his oxalate crystals. the
>other cats get MegaC plus but that's not advised for oxalate. I buy it in
>capsule form and fortunately this cat, Puff, loves those Pill Pockets i get >at the pet store so can just hide the pill in that. the other cats' meds I
>just open the capsules and mix in their wet food very very thoroughly.
>what are some natural sources of potassium besides bananas? and would a cat
>even eat a banana or is it even good for them?
>another thought, how long has jersey been in your care? did you tell the vet >his past history-outdoor cat, possible exposure to raccoons, etc? when you
>got him, was he able to walk/run around? or was he already slowing down?
>what is that disease raccoons supposedly transmit that the vets advise
>getting vaccinations for? if it affects dogs, does it also pertain to cats?
>Is this cat even getting up to use the litter box?
>sorry Jersey's legs are not improving.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Belinda Sauro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
>Sent: Saturday, May 28, 2005 12:34 AM
>Subject: Re: Jersey
> >      Hi Stan,
> >    Jersey's potassium is low, he needs some potassium, your vet should
> > have told you that, I'm sorry but as long as your seeing this vet Jersey
> > is in serious trouble.
> >

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