thank you that info was great, her fever is gone, but i'm stll taking her in 
for some routine bloodwork because she is still always sleeping and very quiet- 
she doesn't play at all.  I'm pretty sure she just needs to put some weight in 
and get her strength back- but better safe than sorry.  I'll let you all know 
what her blood work says.
From: "Hideyo Yamamoto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 2005/06/13 Mon PM 12:02:26 EDT
To: <>
Subject: RE: Re: FIP

Kristi, there is a really active support group for FIP - they are many
many supportive educated people on the list - you might want to visit
tem (it's [EMAIL PROTECTED] I think - 

Also, you might want to visit the below website - this is the excellent
website for FIP - there is a doctor called, Dr. Addie who has dedicated
her last two decades to FIP research - she is at University of Glasgow -
she is a very caring person as far as I can tell.  There is really no
100% accurate diagnostic method until after the fact, but it gives you
lots of information as many of FIP symptoms are similar to lots of other
illness which can be treatable - also recently dr. Addie reported in her
newsletter that 25% of FIP cases had a success treating them with
Interferon as well - if you send a blood sample she can run blood
analysis (they look at combinations of different things)whether the
kitty has FIP or not - I think 75% or 80 % of samples sent to her ended
up not being FIP according to her blood analysis.

I have many corona virus kitties, so I educated my self at lot on this
subject for the past several years - the fever could be something else -
please don't worry - I have kittens who developed 106 or 107 fever for a
week or more and I was very worried, but ended up not being FIP (it
happened to several of my kitties)

I pray that your kitty will get better very very soon.

Dr. Addie's website on FIP

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2005 5:32 PM
Subject: Re: Re: FIP

thanx all for the great info.   I feel better about my cats being
exsposed to her but am still concerned as to wether or not she has FIP.
It almost temp taking time I'll let you know.

> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karolyn Lount)
> Date: 2005/06/12 Sun PM 07:12:39 EDT
> To:
> Subject: Re: FIP
> Hi, If it is FIP you may be in luck as I was. I had 18 FeLV+ cats and
> was fostering a cat that turned out to have FIP and had to be put
> I sweated it out for several mos. and I was very lucky that to my
> knowedge none of my cats came down with it. If they did they were able
> to fight it off. My Vet told me it would be a waste of my money to
> them tested for it. He told me if they did have it there was nothing I
> could do about it. Many cats are able to fight it off and they might
> up being a carrier. That was 10yrs. ago and todate I have not had a
> show signs of having it.


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