Hi Belinda, all -
I just spoke with Teresa on the phone, and will be
meeting up with her on Sunday to pick up the little
blind kitten. I live in Northern NJ, so it's really
not that far for me.  I'll post more after Sunday.
Kat (Mew Jersey)

On Tue, 14 Jun 2005, Belinda Sauro wrote:

> Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2005 09:42:27 -0700
> From: Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> To: "FeLV Talk List [New]" <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
> Subject: OT: PLEASE can ANYONE help  -  Blind Kitten Very Sad
> Please forward and cross-post to anyone you think might be able to help, 
> thank you --
> I am looking for a special home for a blind kitten. He was unfortunately born 
> with no eyes. His mom tends to ignore him to care for her other kitten & his 
> litter mate is off playing with the others. He is a barn cat and 
> unfortunately I just can't take him in right now. I already have 4 of my own 
> & my hubby would shoot me if I brought home another one. The kitten is 
> starting to wander & it's heart breaking to see him bumping into things. He 
> wanders around the horses when we aren't there & I'm afraid he is going to be 
> stepped on. This little guy just needs someone to give him alittle extra TLC 
> so he can adapt to this world he cannot see. I would prefer an indoor home so 
> he is sheltered from the "Big Outdoors"
> If I can't find him a home, I am going to have to have him humanely 
> euthanized, which I am prepared to do, but would like to see him in a loving 
> home instead.
> Please contact me if you or someone you know is willing to offer this little 
> guy a home. He is located in NY
> 607-767-1073 or 607-271-3141
> Thank You
> --
>  Belinda
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