Oh honey, you have all the inspiration and creative tools to really pull this off! Please don't let yourself be discouraged by rejections! I was floored when I read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance was turned down by an absolutely ridiculous number of publishers. I can't remember exactly how many, but it was such a lesson to me in tenacity! Have you ever looked into the smaller publishers? My husband had a novel published by a small regional publisher because of the special interest the local in the story held for them. Perhaps you could get just enough of a story line and a few pictures to "pitch" the idea to smaller publishing houses. You could also think about approaching rescue groups or animal activist groups with the idea of paying for publishing and a portion of the proceeds could go to their charities. Have you ever looked into how much it costs to publish on your own? I'm telling you girl, I think you should chomp down on the bit with this one, the powers that be will be with you on this!

I'm sorry I mistakenly thought Quintapus was positive, you spoke so much about him I thought he was positive too. If you want a cheering section on creating the book, I would love to be involved in any way you'd like. (I'm going to be quietly cheering you on anyway!).

Let me know where and when I can get a copy of his book!

tamara stickler wrote:

Actually Nina, I AM an illustrator/sculptor. The major problem with getting a book published these days...all the publishing houses want are celeberty authors, and they all prefer to use their own illustrators. I get good feed back, but the answer is always the same....without representation (agent) or a celeb. author or illustrator, they just aren't interested, even tho I've been told they did like the stories and illustrations. But its a nice thought. (While I agree that Felv cats shouldn't be put down because of their health issues....Quintapus wasn't an Felv cat....he had heart, asthma and CRF problems instead.)

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