Dear Hideyo,
I too hope you convince George to let you catch him soon.

Have you really scrubbed out the trap and then sprayed it
with some feliway and sprinkled catnip all over it?
Sometimes you really have to change the smell of the trap.

Is the trap inside a large black garbage bag that is taped
around it to keep it from flapping in the wind?  Some cats
find the safety of a "hole" more reassuring than an open trap.

Good luck!
Kat (Mew Jersey)

On Thu, 16 Jun 2005, Hideyo Yamamoto wrote:

> Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2005 14:55:50 -0600
> From: Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To:
> To:
> Subject: Please - I need another big prayer for George!!
> Hi, I mentioned to you a little bit, but I have been trying to capture
> one of my feral boys, George for a couple of weeks now, I feel like he
> is getting thinner to me, and he barely  eats (he sips juice from fish
> can's soup) and I am just so worried about this guy - He does not go
> into a trap since I screwed it up last time, so I feel like the only
> chance I have in order to catch him is with a fish net - I caught three
> cats in the pat with fish net - it's more riskier than trap, but I feel
> like I shouldn't wait too long to catch him because of his health
> condition- and don't know any other way that I can - I also have an
> appointment to talk to Dr. Ryan (AC) so that I can find out more about
> his condition now -  and if she has any meditation or suggestions as to
> how I can catch him succesfully before it's too late -
> According to Jasmine (AC)  whom I spoke with a couple of weeks ago , he
> has a moderate kidney problem and might have an infection with one of
> his long teeth (I have given some antibiotics in his food for a couple
> of time) - he is also willing to be adopted by me (at least he is
> willing to give a try) -
> Please pray that I can successfully catch him very soon and he will be
> safe and Ok until I can catch him!   Thank you!
> Hideyo

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