Title: Message

Michelle, it breaks hurt to hear about Bramble – please know that Bramble is always in my thought and soon he will recover and start eating –

I wanted to share something with you – When George couldn’t eat, I told different things, and what he seems to like the most is – broiled chicken WITH chicken broth – what I do is that I cook a whole chicken in the crock pot and keep the juice, and mix chicken and chicken broth (in nuke temperature) – he likes to drink the juice from it and when he feels better, he eat the chicken meat, too – you may be able to put some supplements in there, too – as you know cats likes to sip juice of different things – I thought you might want to try with Bramble – or broiled water after boiling chicken liver (maybe)??


Hugs to you, Bramble, Buddy and Minstrel


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2005 9:37 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: For Michelle re Bramble RE: George


Michelle--I'm sure you already know this, but thought I'd touch base anyway--I had to give all my Felv cats broiled chicken for weeks (there was no way the others were going to sit and watch the genuine "patient" enjoy his without getting in on the act themselves.)  (I hear you re the $$$ by the way---ouch!)

The vet told me (2 weeks later, and only after I asked her even tho it was her that prescribed the chicken for Snoball's diarrhea in the first place!) that chicken alone did not supply their needs and I should add a supplement. Just thought I should mention it.

Glad to hear Bramble is thoroughly enjoying life! All best wishes for the little sweetheart's continuing recovery---Kerry

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2005 10:15 AM
To: Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: George

Such good news Gloria for George and the other kittie who has just been released from her cage and tremendous progress that she got on the bed with you even though she freaked when you woke up and moved - she must know you are not a threat.


They'll soon learn that you just want to care for them and no doubt take advantage of that just as mine are doing. Going through this tough time with Bramble has meant lots of care and tlc and he has figured this out I think. He now refuses to eat anything much other than good quality cooked chicken slices being hand fed to him too. Well at least he's eating even if it is costing a small fortune. Minstrel and Buddy have also figured this out and keeping coming to ask for a piece instead of eating their own so i have to take extra just in case.


Michelle, Bramble, Buddy & Minstrel



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