I have been giving Denosyl and Milk Thistle to Bruce.  You do not need a prescription for it anymore. 

  I have not been following the responses to your posts (am in the process of moving and do not have the time or energy). But my Simon had sky-high billirubin levels (25!), so here is some advice:
1. Denasyl (sp?) is better/stroonger than milk thistle, I think, for the liver. It comes from vets. But it is the same thing as SAMe, which you can get at the health food store. It can probably be given with milk thistle.
2. Liver so compromised can be from lymphoma, like with Simon, or from cholangiohepatitis, which is treatable with antibiotics, or from hepatic lipidosis, which requires a feeding tube. A biopsy is necessary to tell.  You probably already know this, and maybe already got the biopsy-- again, I didn't read the whole thread so don't know.  Lymphoma would be the worst case scenario, but Simon's bilirubin came down to almost normal with steroids and chemo (he died two months later from anemia).

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